Tuesday 10 February 2015

My first

Well, finally it seems like everything is ready to roll...
This is the first time that I blog in English, which is not my first language. So please, if I misspell of I have any grammatical mistakes, please bare with me. I am Spanish, but I have been living in London for almost 4 years (the anniversary will be soon!!). However, still I have so much to learn and to be taught.
Angie in London will be mostly about books. I love reading and I spend every free moment doing it. That´s why I would love to work in a publishing house. So far I am doing internships and finishing a Publishing MA, which has given me the opportunity of getting some advanced copies of certain books. I will talk about those as I finish reading them. I will also talk some times about other things that I might be obsessed with (some cool TV shows and so on).
As you can see, under my Profile there is a link to the Spanish Blog, where the posts will be different (unless the post is related to both countries). So, if you are interested in the Spanish market, feel free of taking a look to that one too (follow this link).
I hope that you enjoy Angie in London.

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